I am specifically studying for tensions and dialogues in all these locations .
Engaged with emotional and intellectual response by the ambiguity of our relationships with the artifacts, morphology , atmosphere and its topography with personal form of emotional feelings .
Between past and present , without any true indication of time or places, we ‘ ll be exploring places that show signs of transformations through cultural change and individualistic influence.
Like a sonata and its own concerto . Through this silence opus of quiet images , we move with the stream of lyrical , poetic humanistic visions : melodic but yet silence .
We are blind but we are still able to experience a world that is open to our own personal experience and interpretation. These are the images that blanketing our urban environments . They seemed to vibrate in constant inconclusive feels – no past, no present, no future state but they are keep moving .
The intersection of all these ambiguity is our incidence of life . It sparks another form of understanding . It dwells another form of social epilogue .
We see our trace of humanity , memories , passage of time and mortality .
This is the right to be heard . This is incidence .